الحملات الأعلانية

الحملات الأعلانية

أطلق العنان لعلامتك التجارية في السوق السعودي. فريقنا في أي دي ديجيتال يقدم لك حلولاً إعلانية مبتكرة تضمن وصول رسالتك إلى أكبر شريحة ممكنة من الجمهور المستهدف. نحن نترجم رؤيتك إلى واقع ملموس.

انواع الحمالات الاعلانية

We provide visual and audio production

Voice Over

Voice Over Production

A voice-over is a unique production technique where a person records a voice to narrate a story or add more information. A voice over is used to provide more context or enhance an existing narrative



This service is commonly used by companies to market their products and attract the audience in an effective way by highlighting their features through visually attractive images. To display the product in the highest possible quality and capture the best happy moments.



Our professional team of creatives can generate engaging photography, design &
video production assets from the ground up, handling the entire process from concept to final delivery.


Video Production

Video Production From Concept to Completion
Video production starts with coming up with a solid concept and creating a plan to get the concept across to the audience. the team moves on to writing a script, scouting the shoot location, and performing the many tasks needed to ensure that the shoot will go as planned.

Motion graphics

Motion Graphic

Motion graphics make boring content more interesting
The current overly digital era contains way too much However, motion graphics make it more interesting, and crucially, they explain the concept much better.

Tv Ads

TV Ads

Some television advertisements promote a specific brand, product, or service. In these cases, based on other factors (such as increased name recognition or improved brand reputation) and increased sales or revenue

ابدأ ببناء حمالاتك الاعلانية اليوم وقم بتقديم نفسك للعالم

لا تنتظر لبدء عملك أو تطوير علامتك التجارية، ابدأ الآن وأنشئ هوية علامتك التجارية في أقرب وقت ممكن.
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